January 21, 2025

Meet Amy Bonaduce-Gardner: Founder of Prism Movement Studio

Amy Bonaduce-Gardner is a nervous system coach and the inspiring founder of Prism Movement Studio, a Portland-based hub for self-care and body movement that transforms the way we understand our bodies. Passionate about teaching and living self-care, Amy’s unique journey and perspective continue to resonate with her students and community.

What’s Amy’s Favorite Way to Practice Self-Care?

Amy’s approach to self-care is seamless—it’s not an “extra” activity but a way of life. As a movement instructor, she embodies the lessons she teaches, attending classes twice a week to stay grounded and continually evolve her practice.

How Did Amy Get Into Her Career?

Her career journey began with a personal challenge: tearing the meniscus in her knee. This injury became the catalyst for a deeper exploration into body function and movement, eventually inspiring her to create a space where others could heal and thrive.

What’s the Best Part of Amy’s Job?

Amy loves that her work provides answers about body functionality that no other modality could offer. She’s thrilled to share her discoveries with her students, fostering a community where learning about the body is both empowering and enlightening.

Amy’s Favorite Quote: “It Is What It Is”

This simple yet profound mantra guides Amy through life’s challenges, reminding her to embrace the present and navigate rough patches with resilience.

If She Could Start Over, What Would Amy Change?

“Everything,” Amy says candidly. But she’s quick to add that every experience, both good and bad, has shaped the person she is today. She wouldn’t trade her current journey for anything.

What Does Community Mean to Amy?

For Amy, community is about authentic connections—being surrounded by people who accept you as you are, without pretense or effort.

A Heartwarming Connection Story

Amy’s life is filled with serendipitous moments that remind her of the power of connection. From being recognized by former dance students to reuniting with long-lost relatives at unexpected places, her community connections are a beautiful reminder of how intertwined our lives can be.

Amy’s Book Recommendation: How Emotions Are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett

Amy loves to read and often recommends this groundbreaking book. It offers deep insights into how emotions shape our perceptions and lives—perfect for anyone curious about the science of emotions.

Amy’s Message to the World

Amy is unapologetically passionate about empowering others to challenge limiting beliefs and take ownership of their lives.

  • “Feelings aren’t facts.”
  • “Nervous system regulation is misunderstood.”
  • “Quit playing the victim and start living with intention.”

Learn More About Amy Bonaduce-Gardner

Discover the transformative power of movement and self-care by visiting Prism Movement Studio. Follow along on Instagram at @prismmovementstudio for updates, insights, and inspiration.

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