By Emily Merrell
My husband and I have varied skin regimes – he thinks my skincare is too “feminine” in smell while I think his products are too masculine. So when I heard about the skincare line my friend Laura Lee Botsacos was creating, I needed to learn more. She created Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™ because skin is skin regardless of gender. Learn more how this accomplished actress made the pivot into a game changing skin care product.

SDS: Congratulations on the launch of Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™! Have you always known you wanted to start a skincare line?
LAURA LEE BOTSACOS: Well, I have always been a lover of all things beauty. After spending time working in aesthetic sales, and always being obsessed with taking care of my skin, my entrepreneurial spirit got the best of me. The conception of Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™ ensued.
SDS: What makes your skincare line unique is that it’s gender neutral. Why was marketing to all sexes important to you?
LLB: Our mission statement is: “Beauty dwells within the soul and shines on the surface. We are committed to the tenet that everyone is beautiful. And we want to make you feel that way.” Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™ is based upon the pillars of inclusivity, love, compassion and acceptance. Our products are good for your skin and nurturing for your soul, allowing everyone to explore their inner god and goddess. Skin is skin. Our products are for all genders. Being inclusive is very important to me, as is dissolving boundaries.

SDS: Before you created Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™ you were an actress and a top performing car dealer at an automobile dealership. How have both of those roles helped prep you for this launch?
LLB: My training as an actress gives me the ability to do public speaking with ease and confidence, as well as be the spokesperson for my brand. My creative side helps with the art layout for the boxes and bottles, logo creation, website layout and writing all the copy.
My background as a former car dealer with years of sales is equally invaluable. I learned how to market, manage and organize a strong team. I can review financials, do projections and figure out the price structure for my products. Just having an overall strong business acumen has been enormously helpful. I don’t want to mislead anyone, there is still so much I have to learn. But for years I shrugged off my “past lives” – not until recently did I come to realize that they have helped with the creation of Apollo & Artemis Beauty By Equality™.

SDS: Your business is currently focused on e-commerce. Do you have any dreams for the brand to be carried in stores? If so, what stores?
LLB: Currently, we are selling direct to consumers via our wbesite But we have a few highly respected stores in Los Angeles that have requested samples, as well as some third party online sources. Fingers crossed!
SDS: Do you have any words of wisdom for those feeling stuck in their paths or unsure of their next steps?
LLB: Sure do! Don’t believe the hype! I never thought at this age I would be launching a skincare brand. Nor did I ever believe that I would go from being an actress to a business woman. Everything has prepared me for this moment and this moment will prepare me for the next. So for those who are stuck, and trust me I get it, have faith that you will not be forsaken. Don’t let the confines and constraints of the outside world hijack the thoughts in your mind and the passion in your belly. You/us/we can create and recreate ourselves a multitude of times in this lifetime. We are the engineers of our lives.
SDS: How do you stay creative and motivated? Where can we find out more about what’s happening with your company?
LLB: Being physical truly helps me stay motivated and creative. Moving my body triggers my thoughts and creative process. I do like to read inspirational books, it makes me feel good. And frankly, when people respond positively to our brand, it makes me feel like, “Wow, I just might be doing something right.” Feedback of any kind is a great motivator. People can learn more about our Vibe, Mission, and Premiere products by visiting our instagram page and our website, as well as my personal instagram @theonlylauralee.