By Emily Merrell
Have you ever wondered who supports caregivers? Look no further than Kym Motley. Kym is the founder of Gladys Love Project and Daily Modern Living. Learn more about her amazing story (working with multiple companies!) and how you can be a better caregiver.

SDS: Kym, you’re amazing. Not only do you have Daily Modern Living but you have Gladys Love Project, focused on sending love notes to seniors and caregivers. How did you start both of these ventures and what inspired them?
KYM MOTLEY: My inspiration for Daily Modern Living and Gladys Love Project came from my experience taking care of my father when he was terminally ill with cancer. During this time, I learned to live in the present and appreciate the tiny moments in everyday life, which planted the seed for Daily Modern Living. I also cared for my grandmother, Gladys, whose joie de vivre was contagious. At the age of 99, her life was well-lived. Our elderly population is rich with stories, wisdom and love – yet they are often invisible in our current culture. I created the nonprofit, Gladys Love Project, to celebrate seniors and caregivers to remind them they are seen, beautiful, and loved.
SDS: The crazy thing about both of your businesses is that they are not your full time job! How do you manage all three while still filling your own cup?
KM: My calendar is my best friend – I would not be able to balance all three without planning. I ask myself, “What are one to two things I can complete this week to move the needle forward?” By doing so, I get the most important items done and rearrange the others. Fortunately, cooking, jewelry, photography and writing give me energy. I recently visited a spice store in Murray Hill and got so much inspiration for cooking and color combinations for jewelry. Walking to Central Park for a breath of fresh air also recharges my batteries.
SDS: What has been the biggest surprise in starting a 501c3 charity? What would you tell someone who was starting their own?
KM: I’ve been amazed how the right people have shown up at the right time. Tell people what you’re doing! Also, most people will tell you starting a nonprofit is a ton of paperwork. This is true; however, we can do hard things! The reward for making the world a better place far outweighs the paperwork.

SDS: As someone that saw a parent as a caregiver, it’s such a thankless job. How can we better celebrate the caregivers in our lives?
KM: You can celebrate your caregiving friends or relatives by giving them a break from their routine. Offer to run an errand, drop off a meal or simply call to check on them. Don’t wait for them to tell you they need help; it’s likely they are so focused on their responsibilities, they may not ask for assistance. I published a short book, Inky, My Dad & Me: A Guide to Living While Dying for Friends and Caregivers to provide a layman’s guide to caregiving.
SDS: Tell us about Gladys Love Project pre-Covid and how you had to pivot to ensure the safety of everyone?
KM: My original plan for Gladys Love Project included interacting with youth groups to teach them how to make jewelry for seniors and the caregiving staff. Since COVID-19, we changed our programming to remove as many touch points as possible. Currently, we are focused on writing Love Notes, which include positive messages and affirmations. The Love Note template can be downloaded from our website, decorated and then mailed to us. We will then deliver the Love Notes to a senior community. We are also exploring partnerships with organizations that distribute food to seniors in order to include a little Love Note with their meal or grocery delivery.
SDS: How can we get more involved with Gladys Love Project— and/or start something similar?
KM: We are always looking for volunteers to write positive messages to seniors and caregivers. If you would like to form a group or write love notes yourself, you can download the template from We are also accepting in-kind donations to include care packages for seniors and caregivers, whenever possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions – we’re open to ideas for collaborating!