By Emily Merrell
We all want to find our community that best fits us. Heal Good Collective is a community for healers and individuals in service. Unlike other communities, Heal Good Collective is more than events – it’s a destination to help people navigate their businesses. Meet Ashley Rose Howard, the co-founder of Heal Good Collective and learn how she turned her hustle into a healing opportunity.
SDS: What is Heal Good Collective and what was the origin for creating it?
ASHLEY ROSE HOWARD: Heal Good Collective is a community for wellness practitioners, healers, lightworkers, empaths, humans in service and the curious to come together. We fill each other’s cups, restore energy and reiterate the importance of self-care. Our community is supported through connections, coaching, courses and live healing events. HGC was created from navigating our own healing journeys and knowing there are so many people like us wanting to experience accessible healing, while sharing their own healing gifts.
SDS: For those new to healing practices where do you recommend they get started?
ARH: I would recommend identifying what trauma or pattern keeps resurfacing, which is often what needs healing. Then, releasing any judgments around what healing “should” look like and remaining open and curious – this is where the healing magic happens. We all have the power to self-heal, but if you’re just getting started on your healing journey, connecting with an incredible healer that speaks your soul language and offers a service a bit outside of your comfort zone (ahem, I happen to know a collective full of them), can guide you towards an amazing path of transformation.
SDS: As a mother and business owner, do you have any healing practices that are non-negotiables in your day?
ARH: Morning pages are a must. Like, always. Dumping my overthinking mind chatter onto paper before I start my day is so incredibly healing for me. I wake up early, before my daughter, and free-write three pages of mental diarrhea. If I don’t bring awareness to the dialogue of self-criticism that’s yelling at me first thing in the morning for being too lazy, too anxious, too fill-in-the-blank, the negative self-talk becomes louder and more controlling throughout the day.
SDS: What advice do you give aspiring healers in getting clients and starting their practices?
ARH: Always remember: your soul’s mission to help people is much bigger than your self-doubt’s mission to keep you small. Ask yourself over and over, “How can I serve?” Lead from the heart. Call on source, intuition and a community of like-minded humans to keep you uplifted. Once you get the itch to help people heal themselves, invest time for your own healing or you’ll burn out. Go out and offer your gift as authentically as possible, really put yourself out there and flaunt your woo! I know it can feel uncomfortable, but discomfort is the holy grail of growth.
SDS: Heal Good Collective is a community. How has the community played a role in shaping your business?
ARH: We’ve learned to put our egos aside in the shaping of HGC and let the community lead. All of our offerings rely on what serves the collective best. At the same time, we’re leaning on the support of our own communities including family, coaches, mastermind groups and personal healers to serve ourselves, so we can better serve others.
SDS: Where can we find more information about Heal Good Collective and what can we expect in the next few years?
We welcome everyone, especially those curious about healing, to join our community at and attend one of our upcoming events. Let’s be Instagram friends @healgoodcollective where we offer healing nightcap sessions every Friday night @ 7:30pm EST, which is a great introduction to our collective. Over the next few years, we visualize a global uniting of healers and lightworkers supporting each other in healing humanity and mama earth. We’re rolling out live healing events, podcasts, courses, retreats, books and more – healing can be accessible for all. Also, expect meltdowns and f-bombs, because we may be healers, but we’re only human.