Where Money and Wellness Collide: Meet Morgan Blackman, Founder of Holistic Bucks

Broke to woke business challenge with Morgan Blackman. Credit - Erika Alvarenga Photography.

Imagine if money was part of your holistic wellness journey? That it was just as important as you taking care of yourself and cherishing it and nourishing it the same way you did your mind and body. Morgan Blackman of Holistic Bucks does just that. She marries all parts of your journey together. Learn more how Toronto based Morgan Blackman started investing and teaching others. 

A Leader Within: Meet Keele Burgin, Founder of B Tribes and Author of Wholly Unraveled: A Memoir

Forming a strong community with B Tribes. Courtesy of Keele Burgin.

What does a religious cult, a rebellious girl and an abusive father all have in common? Keele Burgin. Keele Burgin’s life is like a thriller. While reading her book, I had to keep reminding myself that her book was non-fiction. Despite a wild childhood, Keele is one of the most incredible and inspiring humans I’ve yet to meet. She is also the founder of B Tribes, a community that inspires women. Learn more about Keele, her book and how she’s changing the world. 

DIY and Done-for-You Social Media: Meet Cahner Olson, Founder of Cahner’s Digital Media

Get a handle on new social media features with Cahner Olson. Courtesy of Cahner Olson.

There are those that do your Instagram for you and there are those that teach you. Cahner happens to be both! She’s had her hand in social media since high school and has worked at transforming her client’s brands, empowering them to find their voice and confidence in social media. Learn more about Cahner, her amazing offerings and what’s next from her. 

The Therapist with Style: Meet Jewel Weah, Founder of Cornerstone Mental Health & The Style Optimist

The Therapist with Style: Meet Jewel Weah, Founder of Cornerstone Mental Health & The Style Optimist - six degrees society

What does a lifestyle blogger and a therapist have in common? They both have Dallas based Jewel Weah. Jewel was able to use and leverage her lifestyle blog into becoming a sought after influencer in the beauty and wellness industry. Jewel is changing lives behind closed doors and helping people work through their greatest challenges. Learn more about Jewel and her tips on approaching therapy and all the amazing projects she’s working on.

Social Media Made Approachable: Meet Kayla Kleinman, Your Social Media BFF

Have you ever looked at doing something on social media and just felt anxious/nauseous/not sure how to proceed? For me, that’s every time I look at Instagram Reels. Thank goodness for humans like Kayla Kleinman who are Reels experts and can break it down into layman terms, making it approachable from start to finish. Before Kayla was your Social Media BFF, her whole life had been impacted by social media – from landing her first job to getting a master’s degree in the subject. Learn more about Kayla and her journey. 

Inspiring Entrepreneurship: Meet Michelle Blue, Founder of The Journey with Blue

Michelle Blue, host of The Journey with Blue. Courtesy of Ty Moore.

After a study abroad trip that changed her life, Michelle Blue became an entrepreneur shortly after college graduation. What started off as creating a non-profit organization has evolved into guiding other entrepreneurs on their journey, through sharing stories and learnings with her audience. Learn more about what it takes to Journey with Blue.

The Lawyer for Entrepreneurs: Meet Colynn O’Brien, Founder of Iluma Law

The Lawyer for Entrepreneurs: Meet Colynn O’Brien, Founder of Iluma Law

Starting a business can be daunting, but finding the right lawyer to help you start your business can be equally challenging. How do you find someone that “gets” what you’re doing? Colynn O’Brien, Founder of Iluma Law does just that. She helps entrepreneurs with the legal aspects of their business so her clients can focus on the important things – like their business!

What to Really Expect When Expecting: Meet Erin Bagwell, Documentary Filmmaker of Year One

Having a baby is incredible. What no one openly talks about are the challenges that can come with it: identity, postpartum, depression and just plain survival. Award winning documentary filmmaker Erin Bagwell takes a deep dive into her own journey, analyzing the struggles of understanding motherhood and seeking outside help when it becomes too much.

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