Digital Event: Conversion-Focused LinkedIn For Busy Founders with Molly Godfrey

Event Title: Second Degrees Society Digital Event: Conversion-Focused LinkedIn For Busy Founders with Molly Godfrey

What’s Happening?

LinkedIn Strategy Explained: Elevate Your Presence & Create Content that Converts

Are you ready to get visible online and become a trusted voice in your industry?

Enter, LinkedIn.

While it may have originally been built for online resume making, LinkedIn has now transformed into a massively lucrative personal branding and thought leadership platform (if used correctly).

However most entrepreneurs, founders, and promising leaders aren’t utilizing LinkedIn to its fullest potential, leaving massive amounts of money and impact left on the table.

During this online event, join Molly Godfrey — LinkedIn Strategist and Content Coach — for this interactive and informative workshop on how to:

  1. Master the platform of LinkedIn (so that you aren’t posting into the void)
  2. Master building a LinkedIn community of founders alongside you (so that you can build relationships that turn into strategic joint ventures & collaborations)
  3. Master creating LinkedIn optimized content that converts (so that your ‘likes’ turn into revenue streams)

Curated Matches:  Before the programming aspect of the event, each guest will engage in two curated 15-minute connections, handpicked just for them, based on bios submitted pre-event via this form: or email with a copy.

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
9:00-10:30 am PST / 12:00-1:30pm EST

Where: Via Zoom, Link sent the morning of the event

Cost: FREE for Second Degrees Society members

About Molly:

Molly is a 2x entrepreneur, viral content creator, and LinkedIn evangelist.

She successfully scaled and exited from her multi-six figure coaching business at the start of 2023 from the power of online writing.

She’s now the co-founder of Build Impact Convert, a boutique personal branding  agency supporting women Founders and CEO’s to get more visible online and become go-to thought leaders in their industry through optimized LinkedIn content and email marketing.

Her work has been featured on the Today Show, Instyle Magazine, and Bustle Media. Her home base is NYC but when not writing you’ll find her traveling or on a plane to her next destination.


Cancellation Policy: We have a 12-hour cancellation policy for our events. Please log in to your Second Degrees Society account to cancel your attendance. For members, please note that a no-show or cancellation (less than 12 hours before an event) will result in being charged a $12 fee. Remember, last-minute cancellations affect the people you’re matched with – we appreciate your cooperation to ensure everyone has the best experience possible!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST


Molly Godfrey
six degrees society

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