October 29, 2021

It’s Not In The Cards: What Is and What Is NOT a Tarot Reading with Jade Rivera

By Emily Merrell

We’ve all gotten to a crossroads at some point in our lives when we had to choose a path. Only if in that moment a wise fortune teller could show us what’s the best decision and what the future will hold for us. But, that’s not necessarily how real Tarot readings work. So, we asked Jade Rivera founder of It’s Not In The Cards to reveal the realities of Tarot reading and interpreting the signs of the universe. 

Tarot card reader Jade Rivera. Credit- Jade Rivera.
Tarot card reader Jade Rivera. Credit- Jade Rivera.

SDS: What is a tarot card reader and how does it differ from a mentalist? 

JADE RIVERA: Mentalists use psychological skill to deduce information about a person, whereas tarot readers use their experience with universal symbolism and personal wisdom to counsel other people as they navigate the ups and downs of being human. A skilled mentalist is entertaining you with tricks; a skilled tarot reader is guiding you towards decisions that are grounded in empathy. 

SDS: How did you know you were skilled at reading tarot cards? 

JR: I didn’t really know until I opened up and began reading for other people about twelve years ago! Up until then I had primarily read for myself and kept my tarot practice private. People would say, “WOW! You’re good, like really good…” Tarot, astrology, and intuition weren’t popular topics of conversation like they are today. When I noticed that more and more people were embracing the tradition, it was like a revelation. I knew I had a lot to say about it, and experience to share! 

SDS: What are some of the most common questions/problems people want solved when getting their cards read? 

JR: My readings cover nearly every challenge life has to offer! Anything related to family, work, travel, creativity – I’ve heard it all. Recently, I’ve been working with many women in business who are feeling blocked from their own intuition when it comes to making decisions. That’s been really lovely! 

SDS: What are some misconceptions people have with tarot card readings? 

JR: People tend to assume that all tarot readers are psychic or “tell fortunes” and this is not the case. No reputable, ethical tarot reader will try and predict your future in concrete terms. I cannot tell you when you are going to meet the love of your life, or have a baby. I really wish I could! What I can do is offer you an empathetic, personalized deep dive into the hidden, unconscious beliefs that may be blocking you from your own success through the powerful symbolism available to us all through tarot. I actually think what I do is better. Through tarot we learn that we have much more agency over our destiny than we think. 

Peaceful and philosophical readings with Jade Rivera.
Peaceful and philosophical readings with Jade Rivera.

SDS: In addition to tarot, you are an academic — how do you balance the different sides of yourself? 

JR: It’s much easier for me to bring my academic self into my tarot sessions than to bring my tarot self into academic settings. That said, a large portion of my academic work focuses on education and creativity, intuition is a major aspect of creativity. So while there is overlap between the two, it is subtle. I actually think my clients seek me out because of my academic background. They know they are going to get measured, grounded advice rooted in critical thinking. I bring all that I am to my tarot sessions and my clients really love that, I think it’s part of what makes me stand out from other readers.  

SDS: How can individuals learn more about you and your business? 

JR: The best way to learn more is to check out my website, itsnotinthecards.com and sign up for my mailing list. Beyond that please join me on Instagram @itsnotinthecards. I am always hosting live events, giveaways and other fun offers.

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