Launching your own marketing strategy to boost your business sales and bring visibility to your company is not an easy task. Thankfully, today’s guest, Anneliese Gartner is here to help you with that! Anneliese is the founder of Apto Media, a creative marketing agency that offers Brand Design & Strategy, Marketing Solution Packages, and Production Services to small businesses who are looking to adapt, grow, and scale. Having an extensive background in Advertising and Sales, Anneliese knows how to help her clients grow and benefit from a key factor: consistency.
- Anneliese’s journey from working in the corporate world in the Advertising and Sales field, to pivoting into the entrepreneurial world as a Video Marketing Expert
- Taking the leap and diving into entrepreneurship may seem scary, but Anneliese gives some great advice on how to land successfully in this new world.
- Annaliese explains that she created Apto Media together with her boyfriend, and describes the main things to take into account when launching a business with your partner
- How her Video Marketing Business transitioned into a Creative Marketing Agency because of her own clients’ needs.
- Annaliese describes some of the pros and cons of living abroad while growing your own business
- In the marketing world, there are a lot of misconceptions which Annaliese manages to clear up, speaking from her own experience
- The importance of understanding that as a business, you don’t need to be everywhere on social media because if you do so, your brand voice will actually get lost. Being consistent on fewer social media or returning to email marketing is much more effective.
- Anneliese describes her love/hate relationship with Instagram and shares some advice on how to tackle its new functionalities
To learn more about Anneliese Gartner, make sure to visit her website or follow her on Instagram.