Using your voice to create a community never goes unnoticed. On today’s ‘The Sixth Degree’ podcast with Emily Merrell, special guest Kelly Nash shares her passion for writing and how it has empowered herself and her readers across the world. As the creator of her website Lipstick and Ink, she opens up about what mental health means to her and how it has elevated her sense of self. Her goal is to create wellness in her community by sharing her business with people.
- Using your passion to create action and making it into a successful career
- Why using your voice and sharing your authenticity creates positive feedback from readers
- The importance of discussing mental health with people to gather awareness
- Having a 9-5 job while owning your own business
- Why having a strong community creates personal and professional growth
If you want to know more about Kelly Nash, you can visit her website or follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.