
Tiffany Cheung

From Unemployed to Having a Six-figure Business with Social Media Coach Tiffany Cheung

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Life can put you upside down. In the case of our guest today, this happened… twice! Tiffany Cheung lost her job at the beginning of the pandemic. As a single mom, she needed to find a job as soon as possible. It was during one of those interviews, that someone else realized what her passion was, and everything suddenly made sense. In just eight months, Tiffany started her career as a Social Media Coach, helping others to have clients instead of followers.


  • After losing her job, Tiffany was afraid to lose her house as well. During an interview, she talked about an Instagram Master Class where she taught people how to monetize their social network, someone told her: instead of putting that much effort and energy into a new job, put them into your own project.
  • There isn’t just one way to succeed. For Tiffany, starting her own business meant breaking the more traditional concepts about what and how a business should be, or what you should do. 
  • Start thinking about what’s possible! Tiffany Cheung believes that if you only look at your actual situation, it is easy to get stuck. But when you look around you, to what other people have done, you will see another way, other possibilities. It’s about changing your mindset.
  • What works for me? Tiffany talks about finding out what is best for you, even if it is something different from what other people are doing. Release your vanity metrics, and make posts with intention. Tiffany is all about quality over quantity. Learn to work smart.
  • How to customize your social media? Find content, people that resonate with you, that align with your values. Check how you feel when you are on social media, look at your boundaries. 
  • You don’t need to go viral. Tiffany recommends to stay away from becoming viral on social media, instead, see with whom you connect, how you are doing that, and how you could attract people aligned with you. Be authentic, your audience will notice and appreciate it. 

To learn more about Tiffany Cheung, follow her on Instagram or visit her website.

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