By Emily Merrell
Have you ever wanted to be the next Karate Kid? Well you might not be competing in karate championships anytime soon, but you can learn how to be a She Warrior with Jennifer Cassetta through her training of self defense, her upcoming Badassery Mastermind course and book. Learn more about what it really means to be a She Warrior.

SDS: What is a She Warrior and why should we all be one?
JENNIFER CASSETTA: A She Warrior is someone who is on a lifelong quest to overcome life’s most challenging obstacles – through the process, becoming mentally, physically and spiritually badass. A She Warrior perseveres, overcomes and illuminates others on her journey. Every woman is a She Warrior at heart. Sometimes, she needs a reminder of her power so she can move through this world powerfully and unapologetically.
In my coaching practice, I walk women through different levels of becoming a She Warrior. They learn how to build resilience so they can get back up after getting knocked down. They learn to use their voice and set boundaries to take back their power. Women know how to generate more energy so they avoid burnout and learn to trust their inner guidance. Last and certainly not least, She Warriors take a stand for the equality, safety and empowerment of other women in their community and beyond.
SDS: How did a girl working in NYC corporate come to be trained in self defense and Hapkido?
JC: It’s quite the long story but in a nutshell, I wanted to try martial arts. I got a recommendation from my Dad’s master (yes his martial arts Sensei) to train with a certain teacher. It just so happened that the dojo was next door to the office I worked in (out of all the city blocks in the entire city, it was NEXT DOOR). I took it as a sign and immediately signed up. I was hooked and before I knew it, I was taking as many classes as I could.
Within the first year of training, I found myself 3 blocks south of the World Trade Center on September 11th. I almost died that day but I finally made it to the dojo. The feeling of safety and security became a metaphor for my life. All I wanted to do after that was train my mind, body and spirit in Hapkido. I became a personal trainer (later a health coach) and had a private practice in Manhattan. At the end of a decade I tested for my third degree black belt before leaving for Los Angeles.
For those 10 years, that dojo was my second home and my fellow martial artists were my second family.
SDS: Netflix’s show Cobra Kai was trending #1, do you think there will be an uptick in karate? Is it too late to start learning?
JC: I’ve seen a few upticks in martial arts training, specifically after the remake of Charlie’s Angels in 2000 starring Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore. Then of course, there was Kill Bill in 2003. Perhaps there is an uptick now due to Cobra Kai. I really hope so. Martial arts training is one of the only practices that truly incorporate mind, body and spirit training.
Every martial art is different as you can see from the difference between the Cobra Kai dojo and Miyagi-Do training. It’s important to find a school/teacher that believes in the martial arts philosophies that resonate with you. For me, that was my training in Hapkido. It was the perfect balance of badass self defense skills, mental and leadership training, combined with meditation and philosophy.

SDS: Pre-pandemic, we could have found you on a big stage. What message are you most passionate about sharing?
JC: ALL THE POWER YOU NEED IS WITHIN YOU NOW. Too often I see women looking to the scale, the expensive anti-aging beauty cream, a relationship or a job title to find their power. What I want every woman to know is that she was born with an innate, primal power that can never be taken away from her unless she willingly gives it away. And even then, it’s never too late to take back!
If you’ve been knocked down recently by this pandemic or in the past, lean into your innate strength. Tap into your inner She Warrior. She’s there. Ready to pounce, stand up for herself and fight for a better world.
SDS: You’re in the process of writing your first book, can you tell us what it’s about?
JC: Yes! I self published my first book, Hear Me Roar: How to Defend Your Mind, Body and Heart Against People Who Suck back in 2015. That was a guide to help college women feel strong, safe and confident from the streets to the dorm room.
This new book, Unleash Your Inner She Warrior: How to Stick Up for Yourself and Fight for a Better World is the adult version on steroids. It takes women on a self development journey from white belt to black belt. More to come….
SDS: Lastly, any exciting offerings coming up at Jennifer Cassetta headquarters? How can we find out more?
JC: Yes! I’ve just launched The She Warrior Collective which is a four month group coaching program that walks women through the seven levels of badassery. It empowers women to get unstuck and go after their dreams like a boss. If you’re interested in learning physical self defense, the She Warrior Self Defense online training helps women avoid danger and fight back against predatory BS! Use code WARRIORLOVE for $20 off.And if you’re looking for a little boost of confidence, my free five day She Warrior Confidence course gives you the tools to mentally kick butt all day every day. Sign up here.