Digital Event: Releasing and Repatterning Root Beliefs with Erica Ballard

Event Title: Second Degrees Society Digital Event: Releasing and Repatterning Root Beliefs with Erica Ballard

What’s Happening?

Learn how to identify and shift the root beliefs keeping you stuck in real time!

Curated Matches:  Before the programming aspect of the event, each guest will engage in two curated 15-minute connections, handpicked just for them, based on bios submitted pre-event via this form.

When: Tuesday, March 4th,  2025
3:00-4:30pm PST/ 4:00-5:30pm MST/ 6:00-7:30pm EST

Cost: $35 or FREE for Second Degrees Society members


Cancellation Policy: We have a 12-hour cancellation policy for our events. Please email to cancel your attendance. For members, please note that a no-show or cancellation (less than 12 hours before an event) will result in being charged a $12 fee. Remember, last-minute cancellations affect the people you’re matched with – we appreciate your cooperation to ensure everyone has the best experience possible!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025
3:00-4:30pm PST/ 4:00-5:30pm MST/ 6:00-7:30pm EST 


Erica Ballard
second degree society

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