Buh Bye PMS and Period Blues: Meet Audrey Gerber, Founder of The Spotless Girl

Have you ever had back breaking period cramps and PMS? I did. I struggled with crippling periods that made that time of the month TERRIBLE. Audrey Gerber, a PMS coach and founder of The Spotless Girl, is here to fix those awful days and reframe the way you look at your menstrual cycle. Her tools and tips will rethink what PMS means for you. Learn more about her journey to becoming The Spotless Girl.

Beating Burnout and Creating Happy Adults Through Creative Practices: Meet Katina Mountanos, Author of On Adulting and Co-Founder of Daydreamers HQ

Raise your virtual hand if you’ve been burned out or are currently burned out? Katina Mountanos experienced the symptoms of burnout when she started her corporate high-profile job. It wasn’t until she made her musings about adulthood public that she realized that she wasn’t alone in navigating the challenges that weren’t discussed. From leaving corporate to growing a bustling online community and business, her voice has reached the hands and eyes of readers with her new book On Adulting. However, Katina is continuing her fight against burnout culture with her newest endeavor Daydreamers HQ, where she’s using creative tools (think pastels and acrylic paints) to rewire the brain.

Dry Challenge Accepted: Meet Hilary Sheinbaum, Author of The Dry Challenge

Have you ever done a Dry January? Oh you know, a whole month where you trade booze for delicious mocktails to heal your liver and prove to yourself that you can live life to the fullest booze free. Living a dry month is becoming more of a lifestyle, especially for the “sober curious”. Brands are releasing more alcohol alternatives and combos to get that same buzz without regret. After living a life of glamour with nights out and red carpets, Hilary Sheinbaum was swayed to take a stab at a Dry January. That month evolved into a tradition and ultimately a book. Learn more about her journey from starting the challenge to writing about it.

The Ultimate Sustainable Shopping Platform: Meet Maisa Mumtaz-Cassidy, Founder of Consciously

If I could be a spokesperson for a brand, it would be Consciously. Shopping feels guiltless when you know the items you are buying align with your values. Consciously is the anti “fast fashion”. All of the brands are hand vetted by founder Maisa Mumtaz-Cassidy to ensure they align with the brand’s values. Bangladesh raised Maisa is an advocate for the fair treatment of factory workers and the advancement of conscious consumerism.

Where Women Connect: Meet Carrie Murray, Founder of The BRA Network

Building a strong community with Carrie Murray. Courtesy of Kathy Schuh.

Imagine a place where business owners can come together and learn from one another. The power to give back to organizations can make a huge difference! Meet Carrie Murray, the founder of The BRA Network, an organization that brings together women of all backgrounds for community support and gatherings. Learn more how Carrie has made a difference in the lives of many – with some cheeky puns along the way.

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