Cracking Perfectionism with Kimberly Irving: Asking The Right Questions to Define Success for Yourself and Avoid Burnout

Cracking Perfectionism with Kimberly Irving Asking The Right Questions to Define Success for Yourself and Avoid Burnout - six degrees society

Creating hundreds of new connections per year has taught me so many things. But one stands out in particular. The biggest problem that female entrepreneurs struggle with is perfectionism – very closely related to burnout. Kimberly Irving struggled with this herself, but now she’s in the business of helping other entrepreneurs understand their stress, define what success means to them and ultimately help them hit their life and business goals. Read on to learn the mechanisms of stress according to Kimberly, and her advice to hack them.

5 Qualities to Look For in a Good Business Coach

5 Qualities to Look For in a Good Business Coach - six degrees society

In 2015 I met my first business coach who changed my life. I had the pleasure of meeting my business coach at a dinner the week I quit my corporate job. I was shocked to meet someone who taught you how to create a business, and was grateful for her help and guidance as I launched my business. Over the course of my business, I’ve hired nearly 5 different people to be my coach to ideate with me, to hold me accountable and to push me out of my comfort zone and to poke holes in the business I was creating. 

Ditching Corporate to Become a Storyteller Through Photography: Meet SF-based Photographer Vanja Markovic

Personal branding, wedding photography and more with Vanja Markovic. Credit - Morgan Kennedy.

After figuring out the classic “American Dream” no longer worked for her, Vanja Markovic decided to go on a journey of self-discovery. She realized photography was her calling. After mastering the technical aspects, Vanja discovered her second passion of storytelling through brand photography. Now, she helps entrepreneurs with brand recognition by telling their visual stories. Read more to find out what advice Vanja has to offer for photographers and entrepreneurs. 

How to Promote Yourself Without Being Salesy


How do you convince someone to buy what you’re selling? As a business coach, I hear my incredibly ambitious clients cower at the idea of self promotion and selling their product.

I’ve heard “who would pay that for what I’m selling?” or “my clients do n’t have that money”. Any and every objection under the sun, I’ve heard it said before. I’ve also heard them come back to me and say “you were right”

The Ultimate Mompreneur: Meet Stephanie Trzaska, The Woman Helping Moms Become Entrepreneurs Without Compromising Their Families

Stephanie Trzaska, founder of Little Scraps of Magic. Credit - Darling Rose Photography

In true entrepreneurial fashion, Stephanie Trzaska noticed an opportunity when her Instagram following continued to reach out and ask for help to start their own businesses. So, she stepped up to the plate and pivoted from her original idea. From a Montessori consultant to launching Little Scraps of Magic, she now guides moms to balance their businesses with their family lives, starting with finding their why.

How to Plan a Maternity Leave as a Solopreneur

Planning a Maternity Leave as a Solopreneur - Six Degrees Society

I always thought I’d be at a corporate office for my maternity leave. I envied my past colleagues who took 3+ months off and had a temp fill their role while they were gone loving their new addition. Plus, the US doesn’t have mandated and paid maternity leave so as an entrepreneur that’s a whole other conversation. 

It’s Not In The Cards: What Is and What Is NOT a Tarot Reading with Jade Rivera

It’s Not In The Cards What Is and What Is NOT a Tarot Reading with Jade Rivera

We’ve all gotten to a crossroad at some point in our lives when we had to choose a path. Only if in that moment a wise fortune teller could show us what’s the best decision and what the future will hold for us. But, that’s not necessarily how real Tarot readings work. So, we asked Jade Rivera founder of It’s Not In The Cards to reveal the realities of Tarot reading and interpreting the signs of the universe. 

5 Easy Ways to Raise Money For Your Business

5 Easy Ways to Raise Money For Your Business

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to start a business? Starting a business can financially feel very daunting. How does one build something without the money to build it? While you can definitely bootstrap your business with the money you do have saved up, you can also search for options to help you get your business off the group.

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